Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons
Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons
If you’re reading this, you’re probably already well aware of the walking controversy that is Joseph Boyden. At times it might seem strenuous to keep track of all the mess-ups this guy keeps getting himself into. It’s completely understandable, so to help you out, Not Your Average Indian has put together this this concise summary of why he needs to go away so we can all chill and get on with our lives.

1. Let’s All Say it Together: He’s a White Guy

Let’s not waste too much time on this one. Jorge Barrera did an excellent exposé piece for APTN thoroughly analyzing and critiquing Boyden’s claims to Indigenous identity.

Simply put, Boyden has no community. No one claims him, his ancestry is shaky to say the least, he’s transitioned through various identities and he has no ancestral or physical connection to the places he claims.

What makes him Indigenous? Apparently, somewhere down the line, someone in his family was Indigenous, possibly Nipmuc and/or Ojibwe.

Maybe that is the case, but does that make someone Indigenous? If we all go back far enough we may find various ethnic make ups that are contained in our familial genealogies. Does that give us the right to claim to be a part of those communities, without having grown up, lived, experienced or have a direct parental connection to those places?

2. He Takes Up Space

This one’s pretty straightforward. Boyden takes up space that should be focused on Indigenous voices and experiences, specifically the voices of Indigenous women. He speaks to issues that he has not experienced and acts as a representative voice of Indigenous people. He continues to be included on panels related to Indigenous issues, where he continues to receive sympathy from primarily white audiences.

He has said that he “should allow those with deeper roots in the community to speak” and that he has been “too vocal on many Indigenous issues in this country.”

What’s worrying is whether Boyden would have stepped back from this role if he had not been called out. Is he only receding from this position simply because he’s been caught? If so, his intentions are absolutely alarming.

Even more problematic is Boyden’s ability to take up space through the use of his whiteness and pandering to white audiences. His books and stories are written from a position of whiteness and take space, accolade and funds away from legitimate Indigenous authors.

Also this:

3. Accountability? What Accountability?

Anyone who is Indigenous and is connected to an Indigenous community knows that you can’t just run your mouth. At some point, someone from your community is going to say, “Hey, that’s not cool, let’s talk” or, “Step down.”

Having a system of accountability in place is vital for anyone, but critically important for those in leadership positions or positions of representational power. If you step out of line, the community can collectively figure out what remedial actions are necessary or if you should even remain in your vocal position.

Unfortunately, Boyden has no community to hold him to account – to say, “Hey, let’s have a conversation.” Instead, he has critics and supporters, none of whom have communal relational connections to HIM, not to say they don’t come from a place of community.

There is no place-based Indigenous community to hold Boyden to account. He has friends and enemies, all of which he can easily disregard as they do not hold the relational power to ground him in a certain place that informs a certain way of being.

Boyden has described himself as a “nomad” transitioning between his home in New Orleans and wherever else he feels at home. But even nomads have a community that they are accountable to, that tells them when they’re messing up. If your “community” only pats you on the back and never critically engages with you, is that really a community, Boyden? Because that’s not the experience most of us have with our communities.

It’s also important to distinguish between Joseph Boyden, who has no Indigenous community claiming him, and someone forcibly removed from an Indigenous community. The latter can work on finding their way back and those communities can work on finding their lost ones. Boyden can’t do either because that Indigenous community for him does not exist.

Can he be adopted? Yes. Does that matter at the moment? No.

Also, can we start focusing our adoption ceremonies on our own and fellow POC instead of Boyden-types?

4. He Thinks Two-Spirit Means Having a Timeshare

Alright, NativeOUT defines two-spirit like this: “A Two Spirit person is a male-bodied or female-bodied person with a masculine or feminine essence. Two Spirits can cross social gender roles, gender expression, and sexual orientation.”

Furthermore, “Since Europeans arrived in the Americas, they’ve documented encounters with Two Spirit people. In many tribes, Two Spirit people were accepted and respected, but that changed with colonization. The colonizers, through forced assimilation efforts, changed acceptance into homophobia in many indigenous communities.”

Boyden, you are not two-spirited, you have never lived the experiences of two-spirited people, please stop appropriating Indigenous terms you don’t understand for you own desire to fit in.

Go away.

5. He Hears “Blood Memory Voices.” WTF?

Let’s just assume for a second that Boyden isn’t trying to come off as some kind of mystical Indian who channels his stories through his ancestors who in turn validate his existence and actions.

Actually, let’s not. That’s exactly what he’s doing.

For someone with such a shaky ancestral connection to actual Indigenous experiences, it is utterly shocking that he would relate to any concept with the word “blood” and “memory” in it.

Let’s be straightforward here: Boyden gets his stories from the lived experiences of other peoples and their communities.

Mic drop. Go away Boyden.

6. Boyden Appropriates and Benefits from Indigenous Stories and Knowledge

Boyden’s stories aren’t inspired through his “channeling of the ancestors.” He appropriates voices, experiences and stories from the people he communicates with and the communities in which he immerses himself.

Boyden utilizes these stories without due credit or at times the permission of the people or communities he appropriates from. These stories then catapult Boyden into literary fame and fortune, while the communities he extracts from get absolute shit in return.

This is textbook appropriation.

All that’s different about it is Boyden’s claim that it’s all good because he himself is Indigenous.

Naw Boyden, it ain’t all good.

This is an all too familiar story for Indigenous communities. We constantly deal with extractive industries, researchers and artists who wish to use us for their own purposes of fame and glory.

To make matters worse, he uses his appropriated stories to inform and assist a Canadian agenda that seeks to relegate those communities’ current problems into the past. He subverts community and individual stories in a way that they end up doing absolutely nothing to help the communities he so selfishly extracts from.

7. He Straight-up Plagiarized

Investigative journalist Jorge Barrera, recently known for his exposé piece on Joseph Boyden, uncovered some troubling similarities between Boyden’s work and the work of Ojibwe storyteller Ron Geyshick.

By comparing various passges in Boyden’s short story, “Bearwalker” and Geyshick’s short story “Inside My Heart,” Barrera was able to demonstrate how without credit Boyden both paraphrased and plagiarized various passages from Geyshick’s story.

Boyden has attempted to defend himself by saying he “heard” this story from an elder – Xavier Bird – during his many visits to Omushkegowak territory. Bird’s family disputes this story.

8. Boyden is Dangerously Divisive

It has become apparent that the Joseph Boyden debacle has created and intensified debates and divisions within the Indigenous community. Conversations over his identity, role and place in the community have pitted academics, artists, leaders and grassroots everyday people against one another.

Some have chosen to adamantly defend him while others have chosen to simply out him.

Most recently, accalaimed Sto:lo writer Lee Maracle came to Boyden’s defense by asserting that critiques towards his identity are acts of lateral violence. This has opened the door to social media critiques aimed at Maracle herself, demonstrating how Boyden divides and pits us against one another.

He needs to go away.

9. He Openly Defended Someone Accused of Sexual Assault

In 2014, Joseph Boyden edited and released “Kwe: Standing With Our Sisters,” an anthology of works dedicated to standing up against violence towards Indigenous women.

Oddly enough, two years later Boyden would go on to write and circulate a letter defending Steven Galloway, the UBC professor who was fired amid allegations of sexual abuse, harassment and misconduct. The letter specifically called for an independent investigation into the firing of Galloway as his supporters found the process to be “unfair.”

Boyden’s letter was signed and supported by prominent Canadian authors such as Margaret Atwood. The letter demonstrates Boyden’s disregard for the voices of women in making claims of sexual assault. Pretty problematic for a man who claims to stand behind Indigenous women and advocates for an Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous women.

Boyden could do better by women, specifically Indigenous women, or better yet he could just go away.

10. Canadians Love Him!

By Canadians, it should be made clear I am speaking of non-Indigenous settlers that reside within the country now known as Canada. Canadians have demonstrated through unquestioned support their lust for Boyden and the stories he tells.

They’ve even gone to the extent of vilifying Indigenous voices that are critical of Boyden.

Why? Cause he makes Canada’s history of abuse, genocide and assimilation of Indigenous peoples easy to stomach and relegates it to a distance place or an even more distant past.

The problem here is that it lets Canadians off the hook for the ongoing realities of land dispossession, racism, white supremacy and state/societal violence against Indigenous nations.

Boyden’s books reek of reconciliation, a concept Canadians have consumed to the point of euphoria. Canadians love stories that allow them to relegate their shit to an unfortunate past – anything that makes them think about the present and themselves as somehow oppressive will garner an immediate backlash. Hence why we should continuously remain critical of those who are so well loved by Canadian audiences.

Now that you know what’s wrong with Jospeh Boyden and why he should go away, start focusing your attention and support towards legitimate Indigenous authors! Check out this thread by @KateriAkiwenzie-Damm for some great suggestions:

Follow the author of Not Your Average Indian on Twitter @shadyhfz and Instagram @shadfez.

Edited by Sarah Boivin. Find her on Twitter @sarahboiv.

38 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Joseph Boyden is a Problem and Should Go Away

  1. Couldn’t say it better. Reminds me of some academics and lawyers I have come across along the way. Glad we are still able to discern authenticity! True indigenous talent is out there!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I have never actually heard of Joseph Boyden, I am not a Canadian, I’m English…not sure what the point I’m trying to make is…lol…
    Anyway what I wanted to say was I really enjoy reading your blog, I love your reviews.
    I found this one particularly interesting, even though I know/knew very little about the author.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Don’t take this as personal by all means but your claim is both very bold and very ignorant, and I can state that upon your lack to expensive research… and look at all your blind fans.

    ‘And You Paid Ancestry researcher’s how much of your hard earned Cash to Have them extensively research many generations back into Joseph Boyden’s family accurate history?? Which takes extensive funds, extensive search time and foot work’ and research?

    And why may I ask of you would you invested such an amount of Cash in such an endeavor upon the man’s background? Oh I see it now’ ‘you’re a witch hunter’ and these are your pitchfork grasping Ignorant fans riding your ignorant and blind coat tails… Bravo man’ If you really understood how it all works then you never would have bashed the man backed with your ignorance… and Publicly so…

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I really don’t see the problem with Joseph Boyden’s representation of what it must be like to be aboriginal, and nobody ever said he misrepresented them or their cultural practices until recently. Where were the voices of wrath and indignation after The Orenda was published? So it’s not about whether he portrayed the Iroquois as “savages” who delighted in torturing their enemies, it seems the real complaint is about how Boyden “infiltrated” the psyche and culture of being aboriginal without being able to prove he has the ID card expected of this kind of writing. Had someone done the equivalent to my British/Scandinavian ancestry, I think I’d be enlightened, but hardly angry.

    Now before someone accuses me of commenting from a position of “white privilege”, I think it’s incumbent on them to show that their ancestors did not rape, kill, and plunder other aboriginal people at some point before European contact. Mass murder and even genocide seems to be a feature of being human, judging by our common ancestral past.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey John,
      Here’s a great post on being a settler and reacting to the Boyden issue:

      I’d also like to recommend you check out Unsettling the Settler Within by Paulette Regan. It’s a great read and should help clarify what it means to be a settler. Should be available at your local library!


      1. Sarah, rather than send me off to read links, I’d prefer to read your words on the topic.


    2. You’re white fragility is showing. As a black woman my ancestors did nkt commit literal snd cultural genoside and then conutine to tdy and take od the very little there is left. Your old white man nonsense/ignorence is not useful here. Boy bye.


    3. You’re white fragility is showing. As a black woman my ancestors did not commit literal and cultural genoside and then conutine to take and take of the very little there is left. Your old white man nonsense/ignorance is not useful here. Boy bye.


  5. 10 Reasons why Joseph Boyden should not go away:
    1. He writes too well to quit.
    2. His novels hold truths that others barely recognize.
    3. He’s brave enough to defend threatened people.
    4.He’s brave enough to stand up to big oil.
    5. He has an excellent mind that he uses for Canada’s good.
    6. There is a difference between literary allusion and plagiarism.
    7. A famous author encourages beginners, does not prevent them from succeeding.
    8. Joseph’s writing is what wins him popularity.
    9. He has another half dozen fine novels in him.
    10. Silencing a proven talent will not help mediocrity succeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I can tell you, as a Mohawk, that the novel Orenda is as inaccurate and insulting towards our people as Karl May’s “Shatterhand” and “Winnetou” is towards the Apache. Boyden begins his long trail of errors with the title which means something radically different that he alleges. He has never been empowered by the Iroquois to speak on our behalf or about our history. I suggest he come to Ohsweken, Kahnawake or Akwesasne to address the issues as to who he is-or is not-and why he thought it necessary to defame our people.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve seen a lot of people saying they can’t see where he has created an issue. There are several problems , but one of the worst things he has done is he has presented incorrect things as fact. A particularly bad one is he totally and completely misrepresented Two-Spirit people. As someone else referred to it, he views being Two-Spirit as a timeshare, from a spring 2011 article in Nuvo: “Joseph Boyden muses about where he feels most at home. “There’s something called the ‘two-spirit person’ in a lot of First Nations cultures,” he says, “meaning somebody who is never completely in one physical place, in one mental place, and I think I’m a bit of a two-spirit person. Home for me has to be both places—it has to be New Orleans, it [also] has to be Ontario. I would be very incomplete without either of those. It might be a little schizophrenic, but it works for me.”” – wait, what?? That is so absolutely incorrect and it shows how little he knows about a crucial facet of indigenous identities. I’m not even Two-Spirit and I was angry after reading that. He has yet to acknowledge this statement, and even worse, even if he did, it cannot be undone – there are so many non-Indigenous people who did and still look to him as an educator on Indigenous cultural norms (not even realizing that Indigenous nations are hugely varied and complex and not some homogenized umbrella group) – and they read this stuff he’s said and take it as gospel. How many people are out there who now look at Two-Spirit people leading pride marches and think, “Oh, I remember reading about those people from Joseph Boyden! They’re the timeshare people.” – seriously! That’s a HUGE problem. And it’s hugely damaging to Two-Spirit individuals and communities. And that’s why many are not too happy with him right now.


  8. Yes JoBo got his foots in two canoes. Why that is bcus Indigenous writing is divided. Sometimes even funded by the government for cross purposes. His foot in our Canoe needs more work. Think he has a bad case of settler foot which needs attending. Neo-liberal odor is pretty evident. You don’t want that foot walking a mile in your own. Hate to brag but I did beat him outta an award. I was glad to see him hit the curb on that occasion. He is getting the pity treatment for getting attacked! He does bring out the Tontoesque factor in our writing but is that the best reason to have him around? We are good at that ourselves but the money he did get might be given to us by his benefactors as redress. Maybe we should play for money too? A Play Indian fine or fund might work if he n others would be so accountable. Writers union might have another national conference to apologize for botching up issue on appropriation. Have more revenge ideas to share later after more attacks ON SETTLER LIT!


  9. As a Cree-Métis person who is still gaining back my identity after colonialism literally divided my family (residential school, 60s scoop, adoptions, addictions, abuse, fostering etc) I find it outrageous that anyone would defend a man who has not experienced these things he speaks on with such authority.
    I still tread lightly as I go about the discovery of my VERY REAL roots.
    My family has books worth of stories to tell, and all of our stories are on the indigenous experience.
    How can he claim, know, or create without the knowledge and experience? Illusion vs. plagiarism? This is cultural appropriation.
    He is not standing up for those without a voice- How absolutely patronizing! Indigenous people can and should have a platform to help themselves without handouts from big daddy settler.
    Give your heads a shake.


  10. First People of Canada should get their priorities in order.
    Men and women both have issues to address and problems to solve.
    If Joseph says what you should say better than you do then why would you affront him? Never mind confront him??? How embarrassing!
    Let him speak what he feels from the blood that fills his veins. Who are you to say if he has MicMac, Ojibewe, or even those monstrous Huron’s blood coursing through his veins.
    There is no doubt he has Indian blood in his veins. Those who doubt don’t know, obviously.
    Discourse is so important but so are demonstrable activities that lead to life and lifelong learning of the ways that humans may interface with the earth to produce long life and then, longer still, and then eternal. All else is fruitless.
    Naysayers take note. Time for that negative stuff is now extremely limited.
    We are about to go to fire drill, make each spark by hand, get it?
    All other wannabes are welcome but please line up so we may ascertain your propensity for challenge and deployment. Things are going to get tough!
    White people accepted or rejected upon consideration.of accreditation and or accommodations, as presented, Recognition is dependent upon basic aspects of native living and relation to this earth. Extra terrestrials are not to be considered at this time but we accept propositions and proposals from such with respect, reverence and honor for your forebears. Bless them!
    We seek peace and not war. We seek the key to everlasting life without death, indeed, we have found it.


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